A variable species, with some strongly-banded individuals, others plain brownish with darker speckling. The females are completely wingless. Overwinter as an egg.
Flight Season
Flies from October into December in one generation.
Size and Family
- Family – Geometridae
- Medium Sized
- Wingspan Range – 30-40mm
Conservation status
- UK BAP: Not listed
- Common
Caterpillar Food Plants
Caterpillars feed on broad-leaved trees and shrubs, including Oak, Birch, Hazel, Hawthorn, Blackthorn, Apple, Dog-rose, Sycamore, Hornbeam and Elm.
Woodland, suburban areas and a wide range of other habitats.
- Countries – England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland
Common over most of Britain, especially in the south

Mottled Umber (male) - Iain H Leach
Mottled Umber (male)
Iain H Leach

Mottled Umber (male) - Iain H Leach
Mottled Umber (male)
Iain H Leach

Mottled Umber (male) - Iain H Leach
Mottled Umber (male)
Iain H Leach

Mottled Umber (male) - Iain H Leach
Mottled Umber (male)
Iain H Leach

Mottled Umber (male) - Iain H Leach
Mottled Umber (male)
Iain H Leach

Mottled Umber (male) - Iain H Leach
Mottled Umber (male)
Iain H Leach

Mottled Umber (male) - Iain H Leach
Mottled Umber (male)
Iain H Leach

Mottled Umber (female) - Garry Barlow
Mottled Umber (female)
Garry Barlow

Mottled Umber (female) - Tim Melling
Mottled Umber (female)
Tim Melling

Mottled Umber (female) - Clive Jones
Mottled Umber (female)
Clive Jones

Mottled Umber (caterpillar) - Vlad Proklov
Mottled Umber (caterpillar)
Vlad Proklov

Mottled Umber (caterpillar) - Vlad Proklov
Mottled Umber (caterpillar)
Vlad Proklov