The adults are occasionally disturbed by day, usually flying naturally from dusk. They are attracted to light.
The larvae feed from August to September, overwintering as pupae. The larvae are more usually found in areas of dappled shade.
Size and Family
- Family - Carpets, pugs and allies (Geometridae)
- Small Sized
- Wingspan Range - 24-28mm
Conservation status
- UK BAP: Priority Species
- Red Data Book
Caterpillar Food Plants
Touch-me-not Balsam (Impatiens noli-tangere)
Wet woodland by streams or seepages, frequently on lake shores, in areas of high rainfall. Some ground disturbance is needed for the larval foodplant.
- Countries – England, Wales
- Lake District and very locally in Lancashire. Reported from Merionethsihre.
- Distribution Trend Since 1970’s = Britain: Suspected stable
Netted Carpet Priority Species Factsheet
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Netted Carpet - Tim Melling
Netted Carpet
Tim Melling