The Northern Eggar is the northern form of the Oak Eggar. It is larger and the female is browner than the Oak Eggar. Males fly by day in a zig-zag fashion, particularly in afternoon sunshine. Females fly from early dusk.
Size and Family
- Family – Eggars (Lasiocampids)
- Large Sized
Conservation status
- UK BAP: Not listed
- Common
Particular Caterpillar Food Plants
Heathers and Bilberry on heaths and moors but also feeds on Bramble, Blackthorn, sallows, hawthorns, Hazel, Sea-buckthorn and other woody plants.
- Countries – England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland
- Widespread and common throughout most of the British Isles and in Ireland. The Northern Eggar occurs in nothern England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland. The Oak Eggar is found in southern and eastern England, East Anglia, the south Midlands and the Cheshire and Lancashire coasts. Some examples from south-west England resemble the Northern Eggar.
Found in a range of open scrubby habitats, particularly heathland, moorland, but also along woodland edges, hedgerows, breckland, downland, fens, sand-dunes and sea cliffs.

Oak Eggar - Iain Leach
Oak Eggar
Iain Leach

Oak Eggar - Iain Leach
Oak Eggar
Iain Leach

Oak Eggar - Thijs Calu
Oak Eggar
Thijs Calu

Oak Eggar - Iain Leach
Oak Eggar
Iain Leach

Oak Eggar - Iain Leach
Oak Eggar
Iain Leach

Oak Eggar - Koen Thonissen
Oak Eggar
Koen Thonissen

Oak Eggar - Koen Thonissen
Oak Eggar
Koen Thonissen

Oak Eggar (female & male) by Roy Leverton
Oak Eggar (female & male)
Oak Eggar (female & male) by Roy Leverton

Oak Eggar (young caterpillar) - Dave Shenton
Oak Eggar (young caterpillar)
Dave Shenton

Oak Eggar (caterpillar) - Iain Leach
Oak Eggar (caterpillar)
Iain Leach

Oak Eggar (caterpillar) - Bob Eade
Oak Eggar (caterpillar)
Bob Eade

Oak Eggar (caterpillar) - Koen Thonissen
Oak Eggar (caterpillar)
Koen Thonissen