The Orange Underwing flies around the leafless canopy of mature birch trees on sunny, still days in early spring. The moths rarely descend low enough for close inspection and are best observed through binoculars. They appear orange in flight, although as the name suggests this colour is largely restricted to the hindwings. The forewings are blackish-brown with white markings.
Can be confused with the very similar Light Orange Underwing (Archiearis notha), which is found mainly in south-east England and is generally associated with Aspen rather than Birch.
Flight Season
Flies during the day in the early part of the year between March and April, preferring to fly in sunshine.
Size and Family
- Family – Orange Underwings (Archiearines)
- Medium Sized
Conservation status
- UK BAP: not listed
Particular Caterpillar Food Plants
Downy Birch and Silver Birch
- Countries – England, Wales, Scotland.
- Widespread and locally common across much of England, Wales and mainland Scotland. Not recorded from Ireland.
Woodland, heathland and any other habitats with mature birch trees.
Can be confused with the Light Orange Underwing.

Orange Underwing - Iain Leach
Orange Underwing
Iain Leach

Orange Underwing - Ryszard Szczygieł
Orange Underwing
Ryszard Szczygieł

Orange Underwing - Allan Drewitt
Orange Underwing
Allan Drewitt

Orange Underwing - Ilia Ustyantsev
Orange Underwing
Ilia Ustyantsev

Orange Underwing - Ilia Ustyantsev
Orange Underwing
Ilia Ustyantsev

Orange Underwing - Garry Barlow
Orange Underwing
Garry Barlow

Orange Underwing (underwing) - Ilia Ustyantsev
Orange Underwing (underwing)
Ilia Ustyantsev