The white ground, grey markings and black or dark grey mark on the leading edge of the wing are generally characteristic of this moth. In examples from the Hebrides, this black mark is emphasised with the band across the forewings more or less complete.
Flies in the afternoon and from dusk and after dark.
Size and Family
- Family – Carpets and Allies (Larentiines)
- Small Sized
Conservation status
- UK BAP: Not listed
- Local (only found in some areas)
Caterpillar Food Plants
Caterpillars feed on Eyebright (Euphrasia)
Occurs in a wide variety of open grassy habitats, including limestone hills and roadside verges. Appears to prefer areas with the foodplant in taller vegetation.
- Countries – England, Scotland, Ireland
- Well distributed in Scotland north from the central belt, including Orkney, the Shetlands and some of the Hebrides. Also recorded in Cumbria, with occasional records from elsewhere. In Ireland, it is found in the Burren, as well as from a few other scattered sites from the extreme south-west to Northern Ireland.
Pretty Pinion - Iain Leach
Pretty Pinion
Iain Leach
Pretty Pinion - Iain Leach
Pretty Pinion
Iain Leach
Pretty Pinion
Pretty Pinion - Stuart Read
Pretty Pinion
Stuart Read