The UK's largest resident Hawk-moth. Pink and black striped abdomen and hindwings; these are not always visible and the strength of the pink varies.
Flies at night and is attracted to light, feeds on nectar from highly-scented flowers. Freshly emerged adults can sometimes be found resting vertically (e.g. on tree trunks and fence posts).
Larva July-September. Magnificent bright green caterpillar has white and purple stripes and a black curved tail. Overwinters as pupa, 30cm or more underground.
Flight Season
Flies between June and July in one generation.
Size and Family
- Family: Hawk-moths (Sphingidae)
- Size: Large, 9-12cm wingspan
Caterpillar Food Plants
Wild and garden Privet (Ligustrum), Lilac (Syringa) and young Ash saplings (Fraxinus), Guelder-rose, Holly, Honeysuckle, Snowberry, Vibernum tinus, Forsythia and Spirea.
Open woodland, hedgerows, gardens, downland, fens, coastal scrub. Prefers calcareous soils.
- Countries: England, Wales, Scotland.
- Common in the southern half of Britain, local in the Midlands, Coastal in Wales.

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Koen Thonissen

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