Very similar to red forms of the Dark-barred Twin-spot Carpet, although the Red Twin-spot Carpet tends to have brighter markings, with a clearer whiter band bordering the central red band and has a more banded appearance.

Rests during the day on shaded rocks, stone walls, bushes, hedges and tree trunks from which it is easily disturbed. Flies from dusk and into the night.

Size and Family

  • Family – Carpets and Allies (Larentiines)
  • Small Sized 

Conservation status

  • UK BAP: Priority Species
  • Common

Caterpillar Food Plants

Various herbs, but particularly bedstraws, Ground-ivy and Wild Carrot.


Many habitats including gardens, woodland, fens, moorland and coastal sand dunes.


  • Countries – England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland
  • Common and widespread throughout most of England and Wales, found in lowland areas of Scotland, becoming less frequent further north and in Ireland.  Common on the Channel Islands.
Red Twin-spot Carpet - Koen Thonissen

Red Twin-spot Carpet

Red Twin-spot Carpet - Heath McDonald

Red Twin-spot Carpet

Red Twin-spot Carpet - Ilia Ustyantsev

Red Twin-spot Carpet

Red Twin-spot Carpet - Garry Barlow

Red Twin-spot Carpet

Red Twin-spot Carpet by David G Green

Red Twin-spot Carpet

Red Twin-spot Carpet - Ben Sale

Red Twin-spot Carpet

Red Twin-spot Carpet - Dave Shenton

Red Twin-spot Carpet