The wings vary from white to brownish-white, the central band varying in width and shade and can also be reduced to blotches near the leading edge. Similar to the Garden Carpet which tends to be smaller and darker, with an incomplete central band.
Can be easily disturbed from vegetation during the day from grassy ditches and the edges of woodland rides. Flies from dusk and into the night.
Size and Family
- Family – Carpets and Allies (Larentiines)
- Medium Sized
Conservation status
- UK BAP: Not listed
- Common
Caterpillar Food Plants
A variety of herbs, including Cleavers, Hedge Bedstraw and Primrose.
Frequents damp places with tall vegetation including gardens, hedgerows, fens, woodland, heathland, scrub and grassland.
- Countries – England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland
- Well distributed and common throughout Britain and Ireland, including the Hebrides and Orkney. Less frequent and more restricted in the Channel Islands. A slightly darker and smaller form with a less distinct central band frequents Shetland.

Silver-ground Carpet - Ilia Ustyantsev
Silver-ground Carpet
Ilia Ustyantsev

Silver-ground Carpet - Garry Barlow
Silver-ground Carpet
Garry Barlow

Silver-ground Carpet (underwing) - Ben Sale
Silver-ground Carpet (underwing)
Ben Sale

Silver-ground Carpet

Silver-ground Carpet - Lez Round
Silver-ground Carpet
Lez Round

Silver-ground Carpet - Alba-t-ross
Silver-ground Carpet

Silver-ground Carpet - Garry Barlow
Silver-ground Carpet
Garry Barlow

Silver-ground Carpet - Lez Round
Silver-ground Carpet
Lez Round

Silver-ground Carpet - Koen Thonissen
Silver-ground Carpet
Koen Thonissen