Rare Immigrant; most usually seen in Autumn. Two generations per year with those reaching the UK being second generation and occurring from August.
Female is slightly smaller than the male, with shorter antennae. Flies from dusk and comes to light quite early. Visits nectar flowers. Cannot overwinter, so the caterpillar (which resembles the Elephant Hawk-moth caterpillar) is rarely seen in the UK.
Flight Season
Adults can be seen in the UK between May and October.
Size and Family
- Family: Hawk-moths (Sphingidae)
- Size: Large, 7-8cm wingspan
Particular Caterpillar Food Plants
Grape-vine, Virginia-creeper, Ladies Bedstraw (Galium) and Great Willowherb (Epilobium), fuchsias, bindweeds, Honeysuckle and mulleins.
Open places, often in coastal regions.
- Widespread and abundant in Africa, breeding along the north coast and subsequently colonising southern Europe.
- South coast of England; rarely more than ten reported in one year in the UK.

Silver-striped Hawk-moth - Stuart Read
Silver-striped Hawk-moth
Stuart Read

Silver-striped Hawk-moth - Pete Withers
Silver-striped Hawk-moth
Pete Withers

Silver-striped Hawk-moth - Ben Sale
Silver-striped Hawk-moth
Ben Sale

SIlver-striped Hawk-moth

SIlver-striped Hawk-moth

SIlver-striped Hawk-moth