The only British burnet moth with six red spots on each forewing, although care must be taken with identification, as in some cases the outermost spots can be fused. Rarely the red colour is replaced by yellow.
Flies with a usually slow buzzing flight during sunshine and is attracted to a range of flowers including thistles, knapweeds and scabious.
Size and Family
- Family – Burnets and Foresters (Zygaenids)
- Medium Sized
Conservation status
- UK BAP: Not listed
- Common
Particular Caterpillar Food Plants
Common Bird’s-foot Trefoil, but also occasionally on Greater Bird’s-foot Trefoil.
Frequents flowery grasslands, including downland, cliff-edges, woodland rides, roadside verges and sand-dunes.
- Countries – England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland
- The commonest and most widely distributed burnet moth in the UK. Well distributed in England, Wales and Ireland, becoming more coastal in Scotland and found on the Outer Hebrides. Also found on the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands.
Bare Ground for Butterflies and Moths
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Six-spot Burnet - Bob Eade
Six-spot Burnet
Bob Eade

Six-spot Burnet - Iain Leach
Six-spot Burnet
Iain Leach

Six-spot Burnet - Patrick Clement
Six-spot Burnet
Patrick Clement

Six-spot Burnet - Steve Mackay
Six-spot Burnet
Steve Mackay

Six-spot Burnet - Iain Leach
Six-spot Burnet
Iain Leach

Six-spot Burnet - Koen Thonissen
Six-spot Burnet
Koen Thonissen

Six-spot Burnet - Koen Thonissen
Six-spot Burnet
Koen Thonissen

Six-spot Burnet - Ivan Lynas
Six-spot Burnet
Ivan Lynas

Six-spot Burnet and cocoon - Bob Eade
Six-spot Burnet and cocoon
Bob Eade

Six-spot Burnet (caterpillar) - Rachel Scopes
Six-spot Burnet (caterpillar)
Rachel Scopes