A very scarce immigrant from southern Europe with only a handful of recent records. In the 19th century, it bred several times on the south coast of England, most often on Spurge (Euphorbia spp.).
The adult resembles the more frequent Bedstraw Hawk-moth (Hyles gallii), but has a distinctive rosy tinge to the underside, as well as more solid markings on the upperwing. The appearance of the caterpillars varies.
Flight Season
Adults can occur in the UK between late May and October.
Size and Family
- Family: Hawk-moths (Sphingidae)
- Large: 5.5-7.5cm
Caterpillar Food Plants
Perennial herbaceous spurges; larvae rarely found in Britain, though did breed several times on the south coast in 19th century, usually on Spurge (Euphorbia spp.).
Breeds abroad in sunny habitats, such as field margins and coastal sand dunes.
- Countries: Central and southern Europe, especially Spain and France
- South of England only

Spurge Hawk-moth - Tamás Nestor
Spurge Hawk-moth
Tamás Nestor

Spurge Hawk-moth - Tamás Nestor
Spurge Hawk-moth
Tamás Nestor

Spurge Hawk-moth - Tamás Nestor
Spurge Hawk-moth
Tamás Nestor

Spurge Hawk-moth - Koen Thonissen
Spurge Hawk-moth
Koen Thonissen

Spurge Hawk-moth (underwing) - Dean Morley
Spurge Hawk-moth (underwing)
Dean Morley

Spurge Hawk-moth (caterpillar) - Tamás Nestor
Spurge Hawk-moth (caterpillar)
Tamás Nestor

Spurge Hawk-moth (caterpillar) - Adam Gor
Spurge Hawk-moth (caterpillar)
Adam Gor

Spurge Hawk-moth (caterpillar tail spike) - Adam Gor
Spurge Hawk-moth (caterpillar tail spike)
Adam Gor

Spurge Hawk-moth (pupa) - Dean Morley
Spurge Hawk-moth (pupa)
Dean Morley