The Mullein is more often found in the caterpillar stage than as an adult but can be seen when attracted to light.
Flight Season
Flies from April to May in one generation.
Size and Family
- Family – Noctuidae
- Medium Sized
- Wingspan Range – 45-50mm
Conservation Status
- UK BAP: Not listed
- Common
Caterpillar Food Plants
Caterpillars in the wild feed on species of mullein (Verbascum) and in gardens, on Buddleia.
A variety of open habitats, including gardens.
- Countries – England and Wales
- Distributed widely in England, most commonly in the south, and scarcer in Wales.
The Mullein - Bob Eade
The Mullein
Bob Eade
The Mullein - Patrick Clement
The Mullein
Patrick Clement
The Mullein - Ben Sale
The Mullein
Ben Sale
The Mullein - Ben Sale
The Mullein
Ben Sale
The Mullein - Ben Sale
The Mullein
Ben Sale
The Mullein - Sue Davies
The Mullein
Sue Davies
The Mullein (Up close) - Rachel Scopes
The Mullein (Up close)
Rachel Scopes
The Mullein (young caterpillar) - Vlad Proklov
The Mullein (young caterpillar)
Vlad Proklov
The Mullein (caterpillar) - Bob Eade
The Mullein (caterpillar)
Bob Eade
The Mullein (caterpillar) - Vlad Proklov
The Mullein (caterpillar)
Vlad Proklov
The Mullein (caterpillar) - Patrick Clement
The Mullein (caterpillar)
Patrick Clement
The Mullein (Feeding Damage) - Andrew Cooper
The Mullein (Feeding Damage)
Andrew Cooper