Superficially similar to several of the other burnet moths, but readily distinguished by the thinly-scaled forewing with three blunt red streaks. Rarely this red colour is replaced by black, orange or yellow. The Slender Scotch Burnet and Scotch Burnet are also thinly-scaled, but are usually smaller and have distinct spots rather than streaks.
Flies in warm weather, preferring sunshine. During dull weather, it can be found sitting exposed on flowerheads or grass stems. Visits nectar sources, such as Wild Thyme.
Size and Family
- Family – Burnets and Foresters (Zygaenids)
- Medium Sized
Conservation status
Subspecies caledonensis
- UK BAP: Not listed
- UK status: Scarce (Nationally Scarce A)
Subspecies segontii
- UK status: Presumed extinct
Subspecies sabulosa
- Occurs in Ireland only
Caterpillar Food Plants
Wild Thyme.
Found on steep, grassy, south or south-west facing slopes and undercliffs on or near the coast, and rarely inland on limestone.
- Countries – Scotland, Ireland
- Subspecies caledonensis occurs on several of the Hebridean Islands and on small areas of the Mull of Kintyre and the Argyll coast. Subspecies segontii was formerly found in small colonies in parts of north Wales and has not been seen since 1962. Subspecies sabulosa is found in western Ireland, mainly on the Burren and Inishmore on the Aran Islands.