Do you want to make a difference for wildlife this year?
We’ve rounded up our cream of the crop of citizen science projects you can get involved in during 2024.
December-May – PondNet Spawn Survey
Help the Freshwater Habitats Trust map where and when amphibians are breeding across the UK. Look out for Common Frog and Common Toad spawn in ponds, puddles and ditches between December and May and log your sightings on their website.
PondNet Spawn Survey - Freshwater Habitats Trust
26-28 January – The Big Garden Birdwatch
Join hundreds of thousands of nature lovers across the UK and help the RSPB build a picture of how garden birds are faring. To take part, spend an hour in your garden or green space between 26 and 28 January and record the birds that land there. Sign up on their website and download your free digital guide.
Big Garden Birdwatch (
April-October – Sunset Survey
Enjoy the sunset and help bats by taking part in the Bat Conservation Trust Sunset Survey. No bat surveying experience needed – simply take a stroll, watch from your window or balcony, or spend an hour in your wild space at dusk (or dawn, for the early risers) and look out for bats and other nocturnal wildlife. To find out more and to take part, visit the website.
Sunset Survey - Explore NBMP Surveys - Bat Conservation Trust (
26-29 April – City Nature Challenge 2024
Take part in the Natural History Museum’s global ‘bioblitz’ to discover wildlife in your city and help scientists understand more about urban nature at the same time. Your mission is to find and record as much wildlife in your garden, park, or public space across the four days as you can. Visit the website to find instructions on how to get involved.
City Nature Challenge 2024 | Natural History Museum (
1 June-31 August – Bugs Matter
Wondering how your car could help wildlife? Buglife are asking people to take a journey in a vehicle between 1 June and 31 August and count the number of bug splats across the number plate. Although it sounds strange, this innovative method of counting insects can help scientists see how numbers of insects are changing over time. Visit the Bugs Matter website for more information.
8-9 June – PondWatch
Celebrate your pond with the British Dragonfly Society (BDS). Whether it’s a garden pond or pond in your local area, BDS are encouraging people to share their pond photos and stories across social media on 8 and 9 June. Find out more and stay up to date with PondWatch activities in your area by visiting the website.
PondWatch - British Dragonfly Society (
12 July-4 August – Big Butterfly Count
Of course, we couldn’t go without mentioning the Big Butterfly Count! Join us from 12 July until 4 August for the biggest citizen science survey of its kind and help us assess how well some of the UK’s most common butterflies and day-flying moths are doing. All you have to do is spend 15 minutes in a sunny spot in a wild space; that could be your garden, balcony, patio or a local community area, and count how many butterflies or day-flying moths you see. Visit the website for more information and to sign up.
Big Butterfly Count (
Autumn 2024 – Waxcap Watch
Did you know that Britain is home to some of the most important waxcap grasslands in the world? Take part in Plantlife’s Waxcap Watch this autumn and see if you can find these colourful fungi in your local area. To get involved, visit a grassy area like a field, road verge, heathland or even a cemetery between September and late November, and record any waxcaps you see.
Take part in Waxcap Watch 2023 - Plantlife
Year round – Shoresearch
Want to start spotting wildlife right away? The Wildlife Trust’s Shoresearch runs year-round. Explore your local coast and learn about the wildlife found there, as well as providing scientists with vital information about this important habitat. To find out how you can get involved in Shoresearch, visit the website or get in touch with your local Wildlife Trust.