Butterfly Conservation has received lots of fantastic messages from people who are seeing the extinct Black-veined White butterfly in south-east London. Seeing butterflies is one of the heart-warming delights that should accompany a sunny day.
However, these sightings are the result of an unofficial release and it is unlikely the butterfly will survive in the wild to breed. Butterfly Conservation is supportive of re-introductions when they are based on sound research. This is necessary to ensure the places the butterfly lives are suitable for the long-term survival of the species. Recent examples are the Large Blue and the Chequered Skipper.
Undocumented releases confuse existing conservation effort. They disrupt the recording of species’ natural ranges and trends, and Butterfly Conservation does not support these unofficial releases. To help save butterflies and moths why not establish a Wild Space and take part in the Big Butterfly Count this summer. Butterfly Conservation also has lots of volunteering opportunities and activities for you to do to make a lasting difference.