Our craft club returns on January 20th 2022 and this time you can felt your own Red Admiral butterfly.
Suitable for complete beginners as well as more experienced crafters, you’ll receive all the materials you need to take part in the post.
The live session takes place on Thursday, January 20th, 7pm to 8.30pm, making it a perfect gift to give someone this Christmas, or a gift to yourself to help beat any January blues!
It costs £20 to take part, which includes the craft materials kit delivered to your door, access to the craftalong, as well as £10 to support our conservation work.
Don’t worry if you can’t attend live – you’ll be able to watch the recording back or, if you don’t have access to the internet, follow the step-by-step instructions included in your craft kit.
The session will be led by felting expert, Steffi Stern from The Makerss.
To sign up visit butterfly-conservation.org/craft-kit