Doing nothing for nature? Some ideas for alternatives to tidying the garden this winter...
Make Garden Plans for 2022
Take a rest while the garden is resting and make plans for new life in the months ahead. Read our gardening blog! It’s full of hints and tips for making your garden as butterfly and moth friendly as possible. Get planning now for the year ahead using our Gardening Blog. Sign up to receive regular gardening news with our Monthly e-Newsletter.
Still Enjoy Your Garden
You can still enjoy your garden, even while it’s sleeping! Go out on a cold day and look at the frost-gilded stems of plants that you’ve left. Think of the queen bees in their subterranean chambers, and the hefty Elephant Hawk-moths in their silken sleeping bags.
Enjoy Reading Butterfly Magazine
Sign up to become a member of Butterfly Conservation and enjoy reading your first copy of Butterfly magazine, as well as our exclusive Gardening for Butterflies and Moths booklet by garden writer Kate Bradbury. Join Here.
Create your own Red Admiral Butterfly
Get crafty and create your own Red Admiral butterfly from felt with Butterfly Conservation’s Craft Club! It’s suitable for complete beginners and we’ll send you all the materials you need. Find all the details about the Red Admiral Craft Club.
Brush up on your butterfly ID skills
Brush up on your butterfly ID skills with our online A-Z of UK butterflies.