Since our last email message, the situation has rapidly moved on. It is vital that we stay safe and follow the latest Government instructions at
- Stay at home for all but the defined permitted activities. Those over 70 or with an underlying medical condition are at higher risk.
- If you go for a walk, then it must be one form of exercise a day, for example a run, walk or cycle - alone or with members of your household.
What does this mean for butterfly and moth records, sightings and activities?
For the latest guidance visit the national Butterfly Conservation website and follow the links. On 28 March, these included the statement from Julie Williams (CEO) “ line with the strong message from the Government, we urge everyone to adhere to the request to stay at not travel to spot or record butterflies and moths...”
Lancashire Branch confirms the following instructions:
- All UKBMS and WCBS recording is cancelled until further notice.
- There should be no travel to butterfly 'hot spots' or other sites for timed counts, transects or other records.
- The only sightings that should appear on our sightings page from now should be those from your garden or observed during the qualified absences from your home.
- All future branch events, that is field trips, the ID and recording training day and the branch AGM and members’ day are cancelled or postponed.
Dependent on Government and Butterfly Conservation CEO guidance, the branch may be able to put on a limited programme of events later in the year. We will keep you updated through the branch website and our email updates.