Are you tired of the same old New Year’s resolutions? Try our resolutions for nature instead and help butterflies and moths in 2025.
Embrace the mess
That’s right – 2025 is the year to embrace messiness! Nature, including butterflies and moths, loves messy, like untrimmed hedges, habitat piles and long grass. Of course, you don’t have to let your whole outdoor space run wild, but if you can leave even a small patch – a Wild Space – for nature, then that can make a huge difference. For inspiration on creating your Wild Space, visit Let's Create Wild Spaces - Wild Spaces
Enjoy a sweet treat
Although you won’t be doing the eating of this sweet treat, you can still enjoy it! Creating a sugar trap can help you see which moths might be in your Wild Space and local area, and you can have fun identifying and recording any that you spot. Don’t worry, the moths don’t get stuck, they simply visit for a sugary snack before flying away again. Download our moth spotting pack to get you started Moths Matter | Butterfly Conservation
Spend more time on your phone
Although screen time is generally discouraged, this resolution will help you spend more time in nature and help science at the same time! Download our iRecord butterflies app and set a goal to try and record as many butterflies as you can in 2025. If you need help with identification, check out our handy ID tool on our website Identify a butterfly | Butterfly Conservation
Have a sit down
This year, commit to taking some time to relax. Grab a cuppa or your drink of choice and spend 15 minutes in an outdoor space, like a garden or local green area, and count butterflies for the Big Butterfly Count 2025. Research shows that counting butterflies can reduce anxiety by up to 9%, and the data you collect helps with future butterfly conservation – win-win! Pop it in your diary now, 18 July – 10 August 2025.
Stay up late
We’re giving you permission to embrace your inner night owl and stay up late for the benefit of moths! Head out after dark, either with a light trap or just a torch, and see which nocturnal visitors might be in your Wild Space when the sun has set. You can record any moths you see here National Moth Recording Scheme | Butterfly Conservation
Throw a party!
Although the party season is technically over, we encourage parties all year-round – work parties, that is! Butterfly Conservation regularly hosts work parties to help with conservation work on the ground to save butterflies and moths. So, grab some friends, or just yourself, and get stuck in. You can find current opportunities here Volunteering Opportunities | Butterfly Conservation Volunteering
Don’t stand out from the crowd
Although we’re a fan of uniqueness at Butterfly Conservation (moths and butterflies are usually pretty unique!), sometimes the crowd is right…With over 40,000 members making an incredible difference for butterflies and moths, that’s the kind of crowd we’re happy to be a part of. Join our amazing movement today Join | Butterfly Conservation