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  • Coalition Jeopardise 'greenest' claim

    Butterfly Conservation respond to Chancellor's autumn statement

  • UK must stand firm on greener farming in Europe

    European Farming reforms threaten wildlife-friendly farming

  • Reserve vandalism conviction upheld

    Rare butterflies flourish on site since attack

  • Environment groups warning over failing nature record

    Butterfly Conservation joins wildlife groups to criticise Government cuts

  • Indian summer deposits moth multitude

    Rare moths flock to UK following warm autumn weather

  • Migrant Monarch makes landfall

    Rare migrant touches down in Dorset

  • Boost for rare Barberry Carpet moth

    Butterfly Conservation release rare moth caterpillars

  • Cold summer hits UK butterflies

    Butterflies suffer in coldest summer for 18 years

  • Did our butterflies feel the heat?

    Take part in the Big Butterfly Count so we can find out

  • Conservation groups call for action

    Urgent recovery plan for English wildlife is needed

  • Purple haze in Paisley

    New colony of Purple Hairstreaks discovered

  • Bloom backs butterflies

    Hollywood star has backed efforts to save butterflies

  • Rare spider found at Wester Moss reserve

    Sun-jumper spider found sharing butterfly haven

  • Dartmoor farmer wins Fritillary award

    Work to provide habitat for rare butterflies rewarded

  • Who is Britain's most wildlife-friendly farmer?

    Cast your vote and enter a free prize-draw

  • Drab life in an ambulance to save rare moth

    Student stakes out site to learn more about the Drab Looper

  • New haven for High Brown

    UK's most threatened butterfly thrown a lifeline with new reserve

  • Tackling anxiety and isolation at home with Butterfly Conservation

    As we’re all being encouraged to spend more time in our homes and feeling the worry and anxiety of 24/7 news coverage of the global pandemic, Butterfly Conservation is suggesting a way to look after your mental health by spending time in your garden or local outdoor spaces.

  • Launch of new Moth Atlas for the West Midlands

    Moth recorders in the West Midlands are celebrating the completion of an online atlas covering Birmingham & the Black Country, Herefordshire, Shropshire, Staffordshire and Worcestershire.

  • UK moths battling unfair reputation

    Around three quarters of the UK population (74%) have some negative opinion of moths, with many people believing the majority eat clothes and are pests, a study has revealed.

  • Ivy lifeline for autumn moths

    UK braced for influx of rare continental moths looking for ivy to feed upon

  • Butterfly Conservation’s Craft Club is Back


    Join us on 9 September at 10am for an ink-tastic online drawing class with illustrator Kate Moby. Inspired by the natural world, Kate’s work sits in two categories, inky animals and inky botanicals. Stocked in stores both on the high-street and online, many of you will have already spotted her wonderful designs out and about.


    The focus of this exciting class will be moths you can see in your garden at home. We will be focusing on two common species, the Elephant Hawk-moth and the Garden Tiger. Both of these moths can be spotted throughout the summer, with the Elephant Hawk-moth on the wing from May through to July and the Garden Tiger July and August. Kate will begin by showing you how she creates the hand carved pens in the craft kits, before then guiding you through creating a moth masterpiece using the powdered inks in the kit.  

    With a focus on sustainability, Kate grows her own bamboo which is cut and hand carved by her into dip pens. These are then used in the ink to create her wonderful designs. Championing eco friendly British manufacturing in a sustainable way the kits you receive from Kate will be plastic free and contain only FSC certified paper materials.

    In your kit you will receive:

    ·         X1 Hand carved bamboo pen in illustrated recycled card sleeve (please specify whether you are left or right handed on your order form)

    ·         X3 Glassine sachets of powdered ink in Prussian Blue, Red and Yellow. Glassine is made from PEFC certified pine resin which makes them fully biodegradable yet archival and waterproof

    ·         Sheets of Cold Pressed, acid-free cotton watercolor paper to draw onto

    ·         Worksheets and reference materials

    ·         A voucher for worth £5

      PURCHASE YOUR CRAFT KIT HERE - Please note kits will be dispatched within 14 days of the event.