Volunteer Work Party - Megan Lowe

Thank you for helping Butterfly Conservation as a WCBS Champion


Here you will find many of the resources and tools to help support you in your Wider Countryside Butterfly Survey (WCBS) Champion role.

You are welcome to work your way through the content below in your own time and refer back to it at any time. Once you’ve read all of the content please complete the Training Recap quiz to self-assess your learning. This is to help you reflect on the content and (in the case of GDPR and Safeguarding) to help us ensure we are being compliant with legal requirements.

In addition to the content on this training webpage, new Champions will require a 1:1 with either the WCBS Officer, retiring Champion, or other Branch member to pass on regional squares and recorder details.

Thank you for volunteering for Butterfly Conservation and the UK Butterfly Monitoring Scheme.


Training Resources

Training Resources

Please complete all sections:

  1. An Introduction to Volunteering with Butterfly Conservation
  2. Overview of the WCBS Champion role
    1. Role description
    2. Video (14minutes)
    3. Text version
  3. WCBS Survey Methodology
    1. WCBS Survey Guidance (PDF)
    2. Introductory video – to come
  4. Recruiting Volunteers and Widening Participation (30 minute module)
  5. Safeguarding (20 minute module)
  6. Training Recap

Key Contact

Your key contact is WCBS Officer: Rachael Conway 

Email: [email protected]

If you have any general questions about volunteering for Butterfly Conservation, please email [email protected].

Further Reading

Other Resources

All guidance documents for recorders can be found on the UKBMS website here (link to UKBMS – https://ukbms.org/guidance-recording-forms).

WCBS Champion Sharepoint – a storage and sharing facility for Champions to access all PDF route maps for their Branch area, to save storing them on your own devices. A login is required, please contact the WCBS Officer to register and gain access.

You may be interested in our QGIS Training and Support.