UK Butterfly Monitoring Scheme

Butterfly Conservation’s Butterfly Monitoring Officer, Rachael Conway explains the relationship between the UKBMS and iRecord and demonstrates how to manage verified UKBMS data in iRecord.

How do the UKBMS website and data relate to iRecord?

Guidance video here

How do I exclude or isolate already verified UKBMS data from the iRecord download?
If you don't want to see UKBMS records in your iRecord download, or you only want to download UKBMS records please follow this excluding or isolating UKBMS records video guidance

How do I bulk verify iRecord records that have already been verified in the UKBMS website?

If you have undertaken the verification of UKBMS records in the UKBMS website and you just want to to give the iRecord version the 'green tick' please follow this managing UKBMS records in iRecord video guidance

Are changes made to records in the UKBMS website reflected in iRecord?

Yes, any changes made in the UKBMS website, including deletions will be reflected in iRecord, therefore you only need to verify the data once. Please see the video  managing UKBMS records in iRecord for guidance on bulk verifying UKBMS records in iRecord

Is a change to a UKBMS record in iRecord reflected in the UKBMS website?

It's complicated. A UKBMS record which is rejected in iRecord is not flagged as rejected in the UKBMS. A UKBMS record may be redetermined in iRecord and this change is reflected in UKBMS. (Further explanation of the relationship to come via a guidance video)

Why are UKBMS records auto-verified in iRecord?

There is an assumption that recorders undertaking surveys via the UKBMS are likely to have reasonable butterfly knowledge and identification skills. UKBMS records are auto-verified in iRecord if they pass a set of NBN rules. These rules are based on phenology, distribution and difficulty of identification. The video guidance  managing UKBMS records in iRecord will demonstrate how to filter the auto-verified UKBMS records.

Can a County Recorder or Verification Assistant override the auto-verification decision? 

Yes, with the correct verification permissions for iRecord, a CR or VA will always be able to override the auto-verification decision.

Verification status decisions

Should I reject an anonymous record, with no recorder name?
Butterfly Conservation would prefer for anonymous records to be verified and retained in local and UK databases, so long as there is a means of contacting the recorder for verification purposes. If the record is historic, this contact may be deemed unnecessary. The verifier can use a substitude recorder name of “Anonymous recorder”.

Should I reject a record with pseudonym e.g. a social media name?
Butterfly Conservation would prefer for pseudonymous records to be verified and retained in local and UK databases, so long as there is a means of contacting the recorder for verification purposes. If the record is historic, this contact may be deemed unnecessary. The verifier can use a substitude recorder name of “Anonymous recorder” if the name is not appropriate, for example contains characters that are not allowed.

Should I reject records with low resolution grid references?
Coming soon.

What should I do with missing or inappropriate site names e.g. “my garden”?
Coming soon.

Butterfly Conservation positions or codes of conduct you may be asked about

What is the Butterfly Conservation position on Oak Processionary Moth?
You can read our Position statement on the Oak Processionary Moth and share this with local recorders who ask. We would also signpost this Oak Processionary Moth fact checker.

What is the Butterfly Conservation position on reintroductions and introductions?
You can read our position on Reintroductions and Introductions here.

What is the Butterfly Conservation guidance on use of pheromone lures for moth recording?
Please read or share this pdf guide on Using Pheromone lures.

Do Butterfly Conservation have recommended codes of conduct for recording in the countryside?
We recommend anyone out recording in the countryside follows the Countryside Code.

What is the Butterfly Conservation view on collecting?
Please see this Code of Conduct for collecting insects and other invertebrates, and this guide to Collecting, breeding and photography.