Lepidoptera Conservation Bulletin (LCB) is an annual publication produced by Butterfly Conservation that reflects some of the diverse work carried out by ourselves and other organisations towards the conservation of moths and butterflies in the UK each year.
LCB summarises the work carried out by Butterfly Conservation and our partner organisations over the course of the year and the resulting advances in our understanding of the UK Biodiversity Action Plan Priority Species, both butterflies and moths, including information on distribution, habitat requirements and management. These summaries provide feedback to the many recorders who contribute to the National Scarce Moth Recording Scheme, the UK Butterfly Monitoring Scheme and Butterflies for the New Millenium. Additional sections report on aspects of the work undertaken from Butterfly Conservation's offices in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, as well as by our Regional Officers, with a particular focus on our landscape-scale projects.
The LCB bibliography is unique in drawing together publications, unpublished reports and other references that form the so-called grey literature of conservation, that can otherwise be extremely difficult to track down. As such it provides a source of detailed information for anyone involved in or interested in the conservation of Lepidoptera.
Butterfly Conservation would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who support our conservation work, particularly Natural England, Scottish Natural Heritage, the Countryside Council for Wales and the Northern Ireland Environment Agency. The production of Lepidoptera Conservation Bulletin (pre 2008) was financially supported by the Joint Nature Conservation Committee.