An ancient woodland with mature oak and ash trees. With rides and open areas, it is one of the richest woodland sites for wildlife in the county.


The reserve was clear-felled in the 1940s and replanted with species suitable for making paintbrush and broom handles, leaving the wood today with hazel, beech, silver birch, grey alder and sycamore.

Herb Paris, adder’s-tongue fern, twayblade and large colonies of meadow saffron are found here, indicating its ancient woodland origins.

The rides are rich in nectar plants such as saw-wort and devil’s-bit scabious. Glades are being created and rides widened to benefit the flora and fauna.

Two uncommon beetles have been recorded recently, one associated with the leaves of coppiced hazel, and one whose larvae live in wood ant nests.

Jointly managed with Worcester Wildlife Trust.

Size: 40.9 hectares (101 acres)


Grid Reference: SO 926 589 O.S. Map: 150

The reserve lies north of Sale Green village and four miles north-east of Worcester. It has a car park at SO 929 588.

Public transport

Unfortunately no public transport is currently available.

Site Access and Safety

The north-west and south-west corners of the wood are privately owned and there is no public access to these parts - the remainder is open to the public.

Large parties only by prior arrangement with the warden (see ‘Contact’ details).

Most ticks are little more than an irritation, but a few can transmit Lyme disease, a rare and potentially serious illness which is treatable with antibiotics if diagnosed early. It is therefore important to be informed and take some simple precautions


Matthew Bridger - email: [email protected]

52.226739161122, -2.1048041560364

Contact reserve